Mini Donut


Poznati američki donuti u manjem, slađem pakiranju dolaze u 4 najtraženija okusa!

Donuti s punjenjem:

  • Donut čoko lješnjak punjen premium lješnjak kremom
  • Donut jagoda punjen premium kremom od jagode

Donuti s glazurom bez punjenja:

  • Donut čokolada
  • Donut vanilija



Često postavljena pitanja

This is just placeholder text. Don’t be alarmed, this is just here to fill up space since your finalized copy isn’t ready yet. Once we have your content finalized, we’ll replace this placeholder text with your real content.

This is just placeholder text. Don’t be alarmed, this is just here to fill up space since your finalized copy isn’t ready yet. Once we have your content finalized, we’ll replace this placeholder text with your real content.

This is just placeholder text. Don’t be alarmed, this is just here to fill up space since your finalized copy isn’t ready yet. Once we have your content finalized, we’ll replace this placeholder text with your real content.

This is just placeholder text. Don’t be alarmed, this is just here to fill up space since your finalized copy isn’t ready yet. Once we have your content finalized, we’ll replace this placeholder text with your real content.


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